
reflect, reconnect & envision your future
 4 Night Inclusive Retreat 〜 January 30 - February 03 2025 

Are you Ready to 
Fully lean into your Most courageous Self?

As a mission-driven leader, you’ve achieved so much already. But have you given yourself permission to truly appreciate the magnitude of your accomplishments?

Imagine a space where you can pause, reflect on how far you’ve come, and envision where your most courageous self wants you to be.

But with the relentless cycle of grant deadlines, leadership responsibilities, and daily demands, carving out time for personal reflection and rejuvenation can feel unattainable - even with the best of intentions.

It's challenging to pause the relentless pace of daily tasks without a change of environment. By immersing yourself in a nurturing setting, you can reset—access a deeper connection with your true self and core priorities.

Disconnect to Reconnect
with your authentic Self

Welcome to the Envision Retreat—a transformative journey to reconnect with your authentic self, align with a greater vision for your values-driven future, and courageously step into your full potential. 

This is a space where you can unapologetically express yourself and be fearlessly seen for your values, vision, and unique strengths.

Here you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Collaborate with fellow visionaries
  • Ignite the courage to expand your dreams
  • Clarify and align with your path to a values-driven future

“True belonging never asks us
to change who we are.
True belonging requires us

to be who we are.” 


But What's holding you back...

from fully stepping into your courage, clarity, and confidence in 2025 and beyond?

The Noise, Distractions and Responsibilities

Society’s expectations, scarcity mindsets, and external pressures cloud your focus. You’ve been conditioned to make yourself small, to be nice, to avoid taking up space or seeking recognition. This constant pressure to sacrifice yourself for others keeps you from focusing on your own vision?

Not Owning Your Value

As a woman who’s likely come from the nonprofit world, you may feel like charging your worth is “wrong.” But just like any other professional, you deserve to be compensated fairly. Sacrificing yourself to serve others isn’t sustainable. It’s time to own your value and power unapologetically, and this retreat will help you reclaim that.


You’ve built something incredible, yet you feel like it’s dragging you along. You’re overwhelmed, juggling too many responsibilities, and stuck in crisis mode. Perhaps your success is keeping you trapped “in your business” rather than dreaming big about your business and envisioning a values-driven path for your business. We all know, there’s no room for you to think about what’s next when you’re just trying to manage the day-to-day. Join us for a transformative reset. The Envision Retreat is designed to help regain clarity and alignment with your big dreams.

“I’m Too Busy to Dream Bigger”

You may feel like you’re too busy to dream bigger—but that’s often when you need to dream the most. When you don’t give yourself permission to dream, you stay in spaces you’ve outgrown, doing things you have no business doing. This retreat will show you how to dream big again and give you the tools to align your life and business with your vision.

What Happens When You 
Fully lean into your Most courageous Self?


  • feel energized, empowered, and ready to move strategically and quickly,
  • find yourself in new collaborations, aligned with others who operate at your level.
  • no longer waste time in spaces that undervalue you.
  • make room for more creativity, fueling your professional growth and deepening your connections.

 Here's how the Envision Retreat Facilitates Your Transformation:

Unite & Collaborate with Big Dreamers

There’s power in community. At this retreat, you’ll be surrounded by ambitious, big dreamers—just like you. You’ll be reminded that even if life has knocked you down, your big dreams are still possible. The success of others will inspire you, and together, you’ll reignite your sense of possibility.

Courage is Contagious

We often don’t give ourselves permission to dream. But when you’re surrounded by people who’ve achieved remarkable things, your own limitations start to fall away. Courage is contagious, and at this retreat, you’ll be encouraged to lean into your vision. You’ll leave with renewed courage and clarity to take on what’s next.

Growth is Not Linear

Transformation requires you to outgrow your past vision of yourself. This means we need to acknowledge and release some old stories acknowledge them, and release them. Regardless of where the stories come from (trauma, societal expectations, upbringing), you don’t have to do it alone. At this retreat, you’ll find a safe space to be seen, heard, and supported by big-hearted leaders who are committed to growth.
Together, we’ll create a container for healing and transformation, no matter your background or experience.

You Can’t Heal in Isolation

Transformation requires you to outgrow your past vision of yourself. This means we need to acknowledge and release some old stories. Regardless of where the stories come from (trauma, societal expectations, upbringing), you don’t have to do this alone. At this retreat, you’ll find a safe space to be seen, heard, and supported by big-hearted leaders committed to growth. Together, we’ll create a container for healing and transformation, no matter your background or experience.

Diversity makes us richer

We believe that diversity makes us stronger. All individuals—regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, ability, religion, or any other aspect of identity—are warmly welcomed to participate in this transformational experience. Diversity of lived experiences and perspectives enhances our collective understanding and fosters a more inclusive and enriching environment. By embracing and celebrating our differences, we create a space where everyone can contribute authentically and grow together.

Build Lifelong Connections

One of the most powerful gifts of this retreat is the community you’ll build. You’ll leave with lifelong relationships and a richer circle of support—women peers who understand your journey and will continue to champion you long after the retreat ends.

reflect, reconnect & envision your future

Join us at Sequoia Retreat Center Jan 30 - Feb 03 2025 

Recenter to Envision  
& Align with Your Values-Driven Future

This retreat provides everything you need to restore your energy, reconnect with your authentic self, and realign with your true north priorities.

Daily Time in Nature

Individual & Group Reflection

Connect with Others

Powerful Guided Meditations

Healthy food & Community meals

Space & Time to process

reflect, reconnect & envision your future

Join us at Sequoia Retreat Center Jan 30 - Feb 03 2025 

Join Us 
at the Sequoia Retreat Center

Surrounded by the beauty of ancient redwoods and the serene forest in the Santa Cruz mountains, the Sequoia Retreat Center offers a gateway to deep personal reconnection and professional transformation.

Our Approach

We are deeply committed to authentic leadership and fostering safe, inclusive spaces where individuals can connect, reflect, and envision a brighter future together. Our facilitation styles, though diverse, share a core authenticity, ensuring that everyone finds their place.

Meet  Dana

Dana is the Director of Development at Kidango, Inc., an independent grants consultant, and a trainer for Grant Writing USA.

Dana (she/her) works with nonprofits at all stages, from $100K to $115M+ operating budgets, and firmly believes each award she’s helped secure, ranging from $500 to $20,000,000+, is significant to each organization. Dana is on the board of the Grant Professionals Foundation and served as GPA Greater Bay Area Chapter Treasurer for 4 years. In 2022, she was honored as one of five Outstanding Young Professionals by the Association of Fundraising Professionals. 

Dana has hosted a visioning retreat with close friends and colleagues for the past three years.

Meet  Julie

Julie is a nonprofit strategist and leadership coach committed to empowering mission-driven leaders to create transformational change in both their personal lives and organizations. With a Master’s degree in Leadership and over 20 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, Julie (she/her) understands the complexities of leading change inside nonprofit organizations.

Her approach begins with personal leadership transformation—helping leaders gain clarity, resilience, and confidence. Julie believes that when leaders are empowered on a personal level, they naturally extend that empowerment to their teams and boards, driving collective growth and significantly enhancing their organization’s impact. Through her work, Julie has guided leaders to turn challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

Join us for this transformative retreat and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and impactful journey.

“True belonging never asks us
to change who we are.
True belonging requires us

to be who we are.” 

Accommodation & Meals

Why The Sequoia Retreat Center?

The Sequoia Retreat Center is more than a mere venue—it is a sanctuary for profound reflection, meaningful dialogue, and joyful celebration. Established in 1949, this hallowed ground has witnessed profound transformations—where love has flourished, sorrows have been soothed, and new hopes have dawned. Nestled amongst ancient redwoods, its serene and majestic surroundings provide the perfect setting for deep personal and professional growth.


At our retreat, we believe that nourishing meals are an essential part of the experience, fostering community and providing the energy needed for deep reflection and growth.

Here’s what you can expect:

Community Sit-Down Dinners:

  • Thursday Evening: We kick off the retreat with a warm and welcoming community sit-down dinner. This meal is designed to help participants connect and set the tone for the days ahead.

  • Sunday Evening: We conclude with a closing ceremony dinner, celebrating the journey and the connections made throughout the retreat.

DIY Breakfast and Lunch:

  • Daily: A fully stocked fridge will be available for participants to prepare their own breakfast and lunch. This allows for flexibility and personal preference, ensuring everyone can enjoy meals at their own pace. The fridge will be stocked with a variety of healthy and delicious options to suit different tastes and dietary needs.

Dinner Out:

  • Friday Night: We will dine out together at a local restaurant, providing an opportunity to explore the local cuisine and enjoy a relaxed evening out.
  • Saturday Night: Participants will have the evening free to explore and enjoy dinner on their own, offering a chance for personal time or small group outings.

Dietary Accommodations:

  • We are committed to accommodating dietary restrictions and preferences. Whether you have specific allergies, follow a vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or any other special diet, we will ensure that there are suitable options available for you. Please let us know your dietary needs in advance so we can make the necessary arrangements.


We have a variety of accommodation options available to suit different preferences and needs. Private cabin, single, double and bunk-occupancy accommodations are available.

We hope you will Join Us

Spots are limited and filling up fast! To ensure your place, we recommend selecting your preferred accommodation and securing your spot today. Simply click on your chosen option to complete your reservation through the payment page.

Lodging Options:

The price includes:

  • 4 Nights accommodation
  • All retreat activities and sessions
  • Community sit-down dinners on Thursday and Sunday evenings
  • Stocked DIY breakfast and lunch daily (food preferences will be honored whenever possible)
  • Dinner out on Friday night
  • Access to all retreat facilities and amenities

Envision Retreat Terms & Conditions and Planning FAQ

If you're a Hayday listener, please use the exclusive discount on the payment page of your choice of accommodation.

reflect, reconnect & envision your future

Join us at Sequoia Retreat Center Jan 30 - Feb 03 2025 

“The one thing that you have
that nobody else has is you.
Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision.
So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.”

transformative Experience
what to expect:

Now, it's time to step courageously into 2025: Dream bigger, set significant goals, and carve out a clear path to achieve your highest aspirations in 2025 and beyond.
Welcome to the time and space to:

Reflect and Reconnect: 

Take a meaningful pause to understand your current position in both your professional and personal life. Recognize and celebrate the moments that have brought you the most joy and satisfaction. This journey of self-discovery and personal growth will be supported through a blend of individual, pair, and group reflections, as well as guided meditations. These activities are designed to help you reconnect with your inner self and gain clarity on your path forward.

Dream and Discover:

Envision what’s possible for your future, set your sights on new horizons, and engage in activities that prompt deep self-reflection and discovery, helping you connect with your inner wisdom.

Connect and Collaborate: 

Engage with others who are on similar journeys, share experiences, and draw inspiration from their stories. Participate in dynamic discussions and activities that encourage creativity and collaboration.

Commit and Transform:

Leave with a clear plan and commitment to your next steps towards growth and fulfillment, ensuring lasting learning and transformation through interactive techniques and authentic presence.



 reflect, reconnect & envision your future
 4 Night Inclusive Retreat 

reflect, reconnect and envision your future

Join us at Sequoia Retreat Center Jan 30 - Feb 03 2025 
