Tackling loneliness in Generation Z

by Julie Boll  - July 17, 2019

Curtis Sethaler of Quincy Young Life opened our Compression Planning session last month by sharing a bone-chilling statistic: Generation Z is the loneliest generation on record, outpacing people in nursing home facilities and incarceration. This is terrifying due to the correlation between loneliness and death. A passionate team of volunteers and Quincy Young Life staff spent the day tackling this issue head on, discussing ways to strengthen their partnership with churches to combat this epidemic in our community.  And I couldn’t be more proud to be part of helping them align their vision, mission and goals with action. I’m watching–and will soon be helping–these committed, passionate people fight for our youth. To find out how you can personally help, or sign up as a church partner, visit Quincy Young Life


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