I Help People Rebuild their businesses based on their values

I’ve been there, and it’s hard.

I’ve been a Soloprenuer serving nonprofits for six years. And sometimes I felt like a hypocrite.

I’d help my clients have stress free clarity on how to lead their organizations, and I’d yet I’d wake up many days feeling overwhelmed and anxious about my own.

How could I help others go to places that I wasn’t able to get to myself?

I was burned out.

I took a step back and took a strong dose of my own medicine. I rebuilt my business based on my values.

I found that it was possible to be unapologetic about who I am AND work in my sweet spot, without all the overwhelm and stress.

And I believe that you can too.

“Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves- their strengths, their values, and how they best perform.”

- Peter Drucker

Managing Oneself

I believe that every mission driven solopreneur deserves to be compensated well for the value they bring to their clients.And I’d like to help you get there.

And I’d like to help you get there.

  • Do you know you have a strong offering AND struggle with asking for what it is worth?
  • Do you have a proven process to help your clients YET struggle with where to focus your time and energy in your own business?
  • Do you have some momentum going with clients AND feel like you don’t have time to properly invest into optimizing or growing your business?
  • Do you have a strong track record of success for your clients YET self-defeating, scarcity-based thinking is keeping you small?
If any of this sounds familiar, I’d like to help.

This is why I created Unapologetically Profitable...


Unapologetically Profitable

A 90 Day Accelerator designed to take Nonprofit-serving Consultants from stressed out, overwhelmed and underpaid to unapologetically profitable, intentional and focused.

Get Crystal Clear

If you are ready to scale your established business, this experience will help you define your goals and your pathway to achieving them.

Over the course of this 90 day program I apply the same planning principles I use in my strategic planning work with nonprofits and large multi-million grant proposals to help you get crystal clear on:

Where you are today and where you want to go,
How you will know you’ve arrived
and EXACTLY how you are going to get there.

Schedule a free discovery call to explore your options

Schedule a Call

“Julie doesn’t tell people how to fit in a box, but helps them find how to get what they want on their own terms. She combines deep, purpose driven reflection with tangible strategies and actionable steps you can use immediately.”

Danielle Gines

Program Overview

Over the 90 days of the program, we’ll journey through these FIVE Phases:


Getting explicit about our values helps us make hard decisions about whom to serve, when to walk away from opportunities, and when to speak up. It also helps us to put boundaries in place to protect what’s most important, and safeguard us against burnout.Our first step together will be to define your values and what behaviors align with those values, then we will assess your life and work and where you are in alignment and out of alignment with your values.

PHASE TWO: Vision/Call To Courage

Next, we will dream big and define our calls to courage.Where do you feel called to be braver?
What is your personal call to courage as a leader?This exercise will provide you with an anchor to guide the strategic planning process for your business and ensure you aren’t playing small with your plan and your vision.

PHASE THREE: Taking Inventory

Here’s where we find out where you are. This is a combination of celebrating how far you’ve come in the last year and what clarity you’ve gained AND examining where the business is today.We will look at how you are tracking your success and what you aren’t tracking but should be tracking. We will also examine what core processes you use to support your business.And finally, we’ll take inventory of your key solopreneur business metrics and get a clear picture of your business health.

PHASE FOUR: Taking Action (Dare To Lead)

Dare to LeadGrowth requires courage.Our capacity to grow is directly correlated to our capacity for courage. We will use the empirically based Dare to Lead™ resilience framework to expose your limiting beliefs and rewrite the narrative that’s holding you and your business back.We will walk you through a process for assessing your clients for fit and immediately begin the work of moving away from poor fit clients – coaching you through the mindset and tactics needed along the way in real time.We will also take the learning from poor fit clients and use them to develop boundaries to help you moving forward. You will identify the things that need to change, and you will be doing the hard work of change as the weeks progress.You will have expert coaching support along the way, as well as the support of your peers and a safe community while you do the hard work of stepping into your worth and walking away from projects and people who no longer align with your work or your values.

PHASE FIVE: Accountability

Finally, you will develop three year goals and a one year action plan with measurable objectives to help you stay accountable.You will be in a cohort of other mission driven leaders who are looking to increase their income and get paid what they are worth.This community will remind you that you aren’t alone, help you brainstorm common problems and solutions, and shatter the myth that we are competing with each other.At the end of the day you will have a dashboard of key metrics you want to track and a process for holding yourself accountable to your goals.


1. A Plan & Dashboard For Your Business.

Clear measurable outcomes, key strategies and a process for tracking them for sustainable business growth.

2. Better Clients.

Clients that pay you what you are worth, respect your boundaries, and are in a position to receive your guidance and support.

3. Increased Income.

You will identify and work in your sweet spot, decide who and what you give your time and energy to, and speak confidently about your work and your rates.

4. A Thriving Lifestyle.

New beliefs, intentionality, structure and support will help you move from stressed out to Unapologetically Profitable, intentional and focused.

5. Security.

Peace of mind from knowing exactly where you want to go, how you are going to get there, and the ability to see your progress. You can go to bed at night knowing you can trust yourself and the plan.

Schedule a free discovery call to explore your options

This is for you if...

  1. 1

    You serve nonprofit or educational organizations
  2. 2

    You have been in business two or more years and have a net revenue of $25K+
  3. 3
    You have a proven track record in your field
  4. 4
    You want to earn six figures or simply maximize your hourly revenue
  5. 5
    You want to recognize your talent and charge what you’re worth
  6. 6
    You want to say yes to the right clients and say no to the wrong ones
  7. 7
    You are ready to make bold choices and take action

Key Details




You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If you aren’t satisfied with the quality of your resulting plan at the end of 90 days, I’ll continue to work with you on the plan until you are. Our work isn’t over until you have a plan you are excited about.
